Erin McCulloch

UX/UI, Graphic & Web Designer

Hi, I'm Erin! I recently graduated from UW-Milwaukee with a Bachelor's Degree in Information Science & Technology and I also have an Associate Degree in Graphic Design from Madison Area Technical College. I have a lot of experience working in Graphic Design, with the bulk of that experience being in digital mediums such as web design, web ads, video, and more. I have strong knowledge and skills in UX principles and design and have worked on providing UX focused design solutions in my previous role.

My resume and full portfolio are available upon request.


Information Science & Technology, UW-Milwaukee
Bachelor of Science Degree
4.0 GPA

Graphic Design, Madison Area Technical College
Associate Degree in Applied Arts
Dean's List

UX Certification
Nielsen Norman Group

Animation Bootcamp
School of Motion

Front End Web Developer Track
Team Treeehouse


  • Adobe
    • Illustrator
    • Photoshop
    • XD
    • After Effects
    • Premiere Pro
    • InDesign
  • Figma
  • Google Web Designer
  • CMS
    • Umbraco
    • Adrenaline
  • Email Specific Platforms
    • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • MailChimp
    • WhatCounts
    • Litmus
  • DAM
    • Canto
  • Code Editors
    • Brackets
    • Visual Studio Code
  • Notion
  • Workfront
  • Miro

Skills & Knowledge

  • HTML
  • CSS / SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • UX Design
  • Digital Layouts & Templating
  • CMS Use and Management
  • Motion Graphics
  • Video Editing
  • Email Design & Coding
  • Concept Development
  • Creative Strategy
  • Additional Experience With:
    • SQL
    • Python